Mary Aloyo

My birthday: February 7, 2018
Gender: Female
Grade: 1

Mary Aloyo, an 8-year-old girl, is in her first year of primary school. She lives in the Namuwongo slum of Kampala. Mary, the eldest of three children, faced a challenging turn of events when her father abandoned the family while her mother, Aloyo Sarah, was pregnant with her youngest sibling, Gabriel. Sarah, only 26 years old, is frequently ill and spends much of her time in the hospital. The little money she earns is primarily spent on her medication. When she’s able, Sarah works by hand-washing clothes for others, earning a modest income. Unfortunately, the family often struggles with food shortages at home. Despite these hardships, Mary has a strong passion for learning and dreams of becoming a teacher one day.

$45/mo will provide your sponsored child with

Education and Training

School Fees

Educational Materials

Medical Care

Hope of a New Future

The Love of Jesus Christ

I want to give hope and a future to Mary.


P.O. Box 16576
Wandegeya, Kampala
+256 782 415 782


Church Leadership
Legal Aid
Health and Sanitation
Children’s Education


We equip people spiritually, socially and economically for holistic transformation.