Lillian Kyolaba

My birthday: December 26, 2008
Gender: Female
Grade: 9

Lillian, born on December 26, 2008, is currently in her first year of secondary school. She has a challenging past as a child who once lived on the streets until she was found sleeping in a church. A kind-hearted single woman who discovered her has since taken Lillian under her care. The caretaker, who is jobless, takes on any work offered by neighbors to make ends meet. Despite the struggles, she has managed to support Lillian up to her current academic level, but it remains a significant challenge. Lillian aspires to become a lawyer in the future.

$45/mo will provide your sponsored child with

Education and Training

School Fees

Educational Materials

Medical Care

Hope of a New Future

The Love of Jesus Christ

I want to give hope and a future to Lillian.


P.O. Box 16576
Wandegeya, Kampala
+256 782 415 782


Church Leadership
Legal Aid
Health and Sanitation
Children’s Education


We equip people spiritually, socially and economically for holistic transformation.