Jayden Tawodda

My birthday: May 6, 2019
Gender: Male
Grade: None

Jayden, a four-year-old boy, experienced a major loss when his father passed away from a heart attack in June 2020. At that time, his mother was pregnant with their second child and was a stay-at-home mom. Following her husband’s death, she and her children have been reliant on donations from members of a local church, but this support is not consistent or guaranteed. Currently, Jayden is unable to attend school as his mother struggles to afford the necessary school fees.

$45/mo will provide your sponsored child with

Education and Training

School Fees

Educational Materials

Medical Care

Hope of a New Future

The Love of Jesus Christ

I want to give hope and a future to Jayden.


P.O. Box 16576
Wandegeya, Kampala
+256 782 415 782


Church Leadership
Legal Aid
Health and Sanitation
Children’s Education


We equip people spiritually, socially and economically for holistic transformation.